In January tomorrow seemed far away, like it would never be a reality. The suitcase is packed, the carry on ready with the essentials, iPad, iPhone and iPod (really Apple, you are taking over my life) and my passport awaiting it's next stamp!
I am not sure what will come next but a friend gave me a card that read, "She packed up her potential and all she had learned, grabbed a cute pair of shoes and headed out to change a few things." And I must say I have learned a great deal in this class in the past 6 weeks and my Vibram toe shoes are ready to explore a new country so I think the only thing left is, "to change a few things."
That is what I will ponder throughout this blogging adventure, what in me, what about my beliefs, and what about the world will change as a result of my professional development, personal pilgrimage and religious awakening in Israel will change as a result of exploring the holiest place on Earth. I don't know, but I will begin my journey tomorrow and keep you all posted!